On the land & beyond...

Full Moon Drumming

Has been held on the land for almost 30 years. Generally on the Saturday night closest to the full moon, held in the tipi. Sit on the earth, drum and sing some easy mantra/chants with like-minded community. Check out the calendar for days/times!

Sacred Ceremony

Held in D'shmeya Temple, or the Tipi, we hold men's only, women's only as well as mixed Ceremonies throughout the year, working with Ancient Rituals, and Medicines, as well as our famous New Years Day - 3 Wishes Water Meditation on the beach!

Womens' Ceremony on the Beach

Held over the warmer late spring and summer months these are beautiful opportunites to connect with like minded sistars, expand the heart with Cacao, receive a channeled activation/journey for the unique signature of the group, and experience the healing, high frequency of Agnihotra fire Ceremony in a safe, protected and sacred circle.

Sacred Community Events

Join us for transformative ceremonies and healing sessions in our sacred space in John's Tipi or D'shmeya Temple and beyond


Join us for community events, healing, and transformative ceremonies.