Healing Services Offered
Whether you choose an individual session with Mandi J or attend one of her group sessions/Ceremonies(or those that are held with John), you will experience transformation and healing.
Connecting with Mother/Father God, Source Light and Love, the Highest Emissaries of Light, Ascended Masters, Beings from the Angelic Realm and her Beloved Teacher, Galactic High Lore Grandmother, Nanna Violet.
1:1 Healing Sessions with Mandi J
The sessions involve identifying triggers, perhaps looking at childhood, ancestral, past life connections as well as clearing any dimensional interference you may have picked up along the way…Face to face, she utilises a crystal grid, sound, both of your guides and source light & love ❤️
You require 2 hours, bring water to drink and plan on a swim or shower afterwards putting those clothes in the wash!
These sessions can also be done online, anywhere you are upon our beautiful planet. Group sessions are a possibilty upon application, just enquire!

Agnihotra Fire Ceremony
Agnihotra is an Ancient Vedic Fire Ritual, involving cow dung & ghee, sacred mantra, tuning into the bio-rhythms of sunrise and sunset. The most potent times of the day, to amplify the energies, electricities, and light of the sun, to purify, cleanse, align and energise, our physical bodies and the surrounding land. It literally changes and heightens the frequency, infusing more light into Pachamamma.
John has been conducting Agni fires on the land for near on 30 years, many sensitive beings, feel the shift of energy as they get closer to our land.
The nature spirits, Diva's and winged ones love it, and often sing along to John's mesmerising flute playing afterwards.
Ceremonies offered on the Land, are potently. charged because of John & Mandi's daily commitment to this practice.
You can purchase agnihotra kits and learn moreat www.agnihotra.com.au

"Yesterday, when you finished my healing and touched my head it was profound! I've felt something I've never been on the receiving end of and it was so pure! I thank you so much for the experience of it, becuase now I know it.
The time we spent together was so beautiful, moving and powerful."
