Get to know us
"We acknowledge and honour this beautiful Earth Mother, that nourishes and nutures us, enabling us to expereince this magical Divine Dance of Spirit & Matter expereince that is known as 'life'.
We Acknowledge and honour the Traditional Spiritual Custodians of this beautiful boodja, that we are blessed to be the caretakers of. We are on Wadjuk country and we acknowledge and honour the Bibblemirn or Paperbark people. We acknowledge and honour the Ancient Ones, the Ancestors and the Elders both Past, Present and Emerging."
John Whife & Mandi J Nelson, are blessed to have found Sacred Union in the hearts of one another, and live and share their Love and Service to the Light upon the Sacred Land in Gidgegannup, where Ceremony has been held for almost 30 years. Individually, as you will read below, they both offer their unique gifts and talents in Service to the betterment of Community, and sometimes they also offer retreats and Sacred Ceremonies together!
Our mission
We are in Service to support Humanity to grow and evolve. To live from their innate truth, from their hearts, and to show up authentically. To fulfil their own soul contracts. We are deeply reverent of Pachamumma, and all that she offers us. We believe in the Andean philosophy of Love, Service and Wisdom.
Our vision
We want to live in a supportive world where people live in peace, with kindness and compassion for one another, with honour to the Traditional Spiritual Custodians, and Pachamamma . A world where love reigns, healing is paramount and conscious evolution is valued. Where individuals are sovereign, and we all look out for one another., utilising Ancient Rituals, and connections to our Star Brothers & Sisters.
About John Whife
John Whife is an iconic Elder, in the Perth Hills Area for over the past 30 years walking a dedicated spiritual path. He offers community a place to 'step out of the matrix' for a bit, through Saturday night Full Moon Drummings, Agnihotra, passionately holding space for others to birth their own Medicine Hoop Drums and Holding Space and Ceremonies in his American Indian Tipi.
He is passionate about his 'Brothers' and offers support to many, including Men's only Ceremonies at potent portals of the year. He is also very handy with an industrial sewing machine, and 'pole' dancing, and has made many of the Tipi's for others within WA. He has a deep and strong connection to the Spirits of the Land and Elementals.
John is a loving father of 4, a 'wild man' grandfather to 5 (at last count ) and is devoted to his elderly parents assisting them with the upkeep of running the family farm.
He is greatly respected by the younger 'Brothers' (& Sisters) of the community, always open to have a chat, sharing his wisdom or supporting them with his generous and open heart. He gains much enjoyment from his 'Men's Only Ceremonies' in the Tipi held at auspicious times throughout the year.
John has had a committed daily practice of yoga and Agnihotra Fire Ceremony - an Ancient Vedic Healing and Cleansing Ceremony, performed at precisely Sunrise & Sunset, for almost 30 years. This benefits all that come to visit the land, keeping the frequency high, including all of the visiting winged ones, and bird tribes. A talented flautist, the tune he plays after the Fire Ceremony is mesmerising, and oftentimes the local birds will sing along too. He is deeply connected, and honouring of the Nature Spirits, the Deva's, and the Elementals, to Pachamumma.
At Brotherhood Awakening, Perth's first Men's Only Weekend Gathering, in 2023, he was recognised by Community as an Elder, taking the role of a 'First Wolf", and assisted with all of the Flow Festivals, offering Agnihotra Fire Ceremony, as well as a Cacao Ceremony at the last one, with Mandi J and Kate Nelson.
His much loved Tipi has been the home to many different types of Ceremonies over the past 25 years or so, Men's Gatherings, Womens Gatherings, Workshops, Cacao and other ancient medicine practices and rituals. The land in Gidgegannup, has been a beacon of Light for the Perth and Australian spiritual community.
Being an earth sign, he is deeply connected to the land, spending much of his youth, riding horses, playing Polocrosse, and Polo.
He is passionate about health, and assisted to run a health retreat many moons ago, so if you talk to him for long enough he is likely to bring in the benefits of eating good food and drinking high quality water at some point!
He has co-hosted many retreats, more recently with his love, Mandi J, travelling with groups to India, teaching them the practice of Agnihotra on the banks of Ganga, to Broome, and Margaret River teaching energetics of Sacred Union.
About Mandi J Nelson
Mandi J is an inspirational medicine woman living courageously from the Heart. She leads by example sharing her journeyed wisdom within the community guiding the path of illumination & insight, awakening humanity to their own Divinity & Freedom. ‘Awakening My Spiritual Heart' is her first book, to offering individuals and Groups opportunities to live to their optimum potential within their Human Vessel in this lifetime. Her signature Heartlight Mastery 1 & 2, online and face to face, 12 month mentoring programme is widely received and an opportunity for many to connect to their ‘truth’, integrate challenging life experiences, and to bring love and safety to their inner child, whilst supported by Mandi and the HLM community.
Mandi J is a 'moonapausal' mother of two in their twenties and did much of the parenting in a sole capacity. She is a well known yoga & meditation teacher, having taught for over a decade in Perth, Western Australia, as well as internationally (Cert 4, 800hrs qualified). She has been offering travelling spiritual retreats specialising in personal transformation and growth, each with differing flavours, for the past 13 years, to destinations such as India, Broome, Margaret River, and Bali.
She studied psychology, youth work and womens studies at university back in the day and has delved within the esoteric, evolutionary realm for many decades. Yoga is a fixed part of her own daily rituals and she has been a student for over forty years. She has studied many healing techniques, including Crystal Dreaming, Bars, and Intuitive Healing, and was under the tutelage of Original High Lore Woman, Nanna Violet for 8 years before her passing upon the planet. In 2021 she studied with Natalie Love at the institute of Feminine Arts, with Dr Azra & Seren Bertrands' work, deepening her lifelong passion around knowledge and wisdom of the Ancient Feminine Mystery School Teachings. She opens her teachings and Temple to Men also
Mandi J is a highly sought after healer, working with both Men and Women, recently trained in Bali by a Batan Priest to offer Flower/Water Blessings under Dewi Danu…The Goddess of rivers, lakes, streams, and the Ocean. She is passionate bringing people back to their truth, in Divine Alignment without the warp of self limiting beliefs and trauma experiences. She works multi-dimensionally, across all time space and dimensions with the Crystal kingdom, sound and frequency, Spiritual and ancestral guides, as well as animal totems.
In 2025, she is stepping onto the Hampiq Ñust'a path, deepening her own knowledge of the Andean Shamanic ideologies, rituals, ceremonies, and practices, intending to fine tune her offerings.
She offers, Sacred Ceremonies for Men and Women, Sisterhood Gatherings, Transformational Retreats, 1:1 Individual and Group Activations/Healing/Ancestral/Multidimensional/Entity Clearings, Water Flower Blessings, End of Life Celebrations, Heart Light Mastery 12 month Mentorships, Sacred Union Ceremonies, Relationship Guidance, Healing the Inner Child assistance, and the Hard Yarns Podcast Famous - Return to Zero sessions!